Things You Need to Know About the Byroad Subscription Program

05 Oct 2020

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If you’re in the market for a car right now, you might be better off considering a car subscription service. Think of it this way: a car subscription is not only a new take on an old business model, it might also relieve you of the hassle of car ownership while delivering all the advantages of having a car when you need it. Odds are that somewhere in your past you have used a subscription service.

Back at the dawn of the century, it was likely a subscription to a magazine or a newspaper, but you might also have subscribed to a service that provided you the fruit of the month, daily recipes or a funny story each day. Then, with the rise of entertainment services like Netflix and Hulu, the old-as-the-hills subscription model took on a new, contemporary sheen. Now you can subscribe to everything from razor blades to fashion to coffee to…well, cars.

A new alternative to leasing or buying is disrupting the car industry: Byroad is a flexible car subscription service where you can access any of our cars whenever you want, wherever you want and for as long as you need, all your car costs are bundled into a simple single subscription fee.

When signing up, customers do not have to pay a deposit or a membership activation fee. In addition to the first month’s subscription being free for whichever plan they chose, you also get unlimited vehicle switches to redeem your Byroad miles earned as well as delivery, , insurance, roadside assistance, and regular maintenance.

Car companies have been experimenting with Netflix-style subscription services for over a year as they seek to appeal directly to millennial consumers who are less inclined than previous generations to own or lease their own vehicle. Those efforts are being rewarded by new car buyers who demand flexibility and world class customer service.